Jewish Family Group
Osnat Strulov-Shlain
Join the Jewish Families Group mailing list to stay informed of activities, announcements, and other ways to be involved.
Check back soon for upcoming events in 2023-2024
End of year Lag BaOmer bonfire and potluck party! Sunday, May 21, 4 p.m., Promontory Point Hyde Park
You are invited to the End of Year- Jewish family group- Bonfire Potluck. We will be celebrating a great year and two (!) Jewish holidays Lag Ba'omer- the holiday of bonfires and Shavuot. We will sing songs, share food, have holiday-themed activities, and make S'mores. To make all this happen we need your help we have many roles (all-'day of' jobs) and supplies we need help with. Hopefully, many of you will join us - it will surely be great fun!
Annual Challah Bake, November 13, 2022, 3pm
Hosted by Urban Challah in at Lincoln Park Chabad. Come learn about this tradition while making delicious Challah bread to take home!
Sukkah Hop, October 16, 2022, 3-6pm
Lab families were invited to Hop from sukkah to sukkah! A great way to share in the joy of the holiday and build community.
Passover Origami
The Jewish Family Group hopes a little Passover origami will brighten your 2022 Passover table.
Below are some instructions for Passover based origami.
Origami shapes:
Hail and boils (same shape in white and pink/red)
Cattle (you can add googly eyes too)
Virtual Challah Bake, Thursday, December 16, 5:45 p.m., Zoom
Take part in a virtual challah bake, courtesy of Lab’s Jewish Family Group. All who register in advance can pick up a bag of challah dough and toppings on the day of the event at ESH or Blaine.
Brocha Benhiyoun, who runs Urban Challah and is the co-director of Lincoln Park Chabad, is providing the premade dough and will lead the class.
Please sign up for the event in advance, and contact Emily or Amelia with any questions.
JSA to hold first-ever Shabbat potluck event—U-High Midway 01-25-2019